CBHAs have been involved in retrofit activities for many years to improve the energy efficiency and standards in their homes, for the benefit of their tenants.

They have continued these improvements through EESSH and EESSH2 and are now considering the proposed new Social Housing Net Zero Standards. The big question is – how net zero can be achieved via a just transition for tenants?

The Forum is developing information for members on the issue, including a number of case studies – read more about each below:

Argyll Community Housing Association’s Warm Homes Fund Project

Dalmuir Park Housing Association’s stonework repairs and energy efficiency improvements to pre-1919 tenements

Shettleston Housing Association’s Old Shettleston Road Retrofit Feasibility Project

If you would like more information on any of the case studies, please contact colleen.rowan@gwsf.org.uk.

Summer regeneration conference

The Forum’s 2024 summer regeneration conference focused on a just transition to net zero and how CBHAS and their communities can get there. A number of retrofit and other projects were discussed at the conference cafe sessions, which included: